Why Naked Time is Most Powerful Tools During Potty Training.

Naked time is a simple tool for parents to use to potty train. It is a non threatening environment for the child, and involves no emotional stress or power struggles. Because your removing the obstacles that may cause your child confusion ( example: diaper hides were poop and pee come from) about the Physical elimination process. And he is leaning first hand what the cause and effect of the biology of the body, drinking and eating leads...Continue >>

Tips And Tricks On Potty Training While Traveling.

The secrete to successful travel is imagining potty experiences from your child's point of view. Now is the time when all does personal routines pay off. Song and games that can be adapted to the road give your child comfort and confidence. Try to maintain as much consistency as possible in your home routine. Have a plan for your child's predictable need as well for the unpredictable ones...Continue >>

When To Consult A Pediatrician About Potty Concerns.

Your pediatrician is a wonderful resource and ally on your potty training team with a wealth of medical and developmental information. Contact your pediatrician whenever you need reassurance to the eternal parenting question, Is this normal? Some times you need to ask. Don't struggle and worry alone.Successful potty training requires many behavioral, social, and emotional skills. It also requires a healthy body...Continue >

How Your Child's Temperament Affects Potty Training.

Temperament affect how you learn and how you handle change. It also affects the how your child will respond to potty training. Nearly four decades ago, two researches, Chess and Thomas, professor of child psychiatry, respectively, identified three different temperament styles, easy, slow to warm-up and difficult. According to their research, Chess and Thomas found these three temperament styles reflect differences in the nine...Continue >>

How TO Adapt The weekend Training Camp for Slow To Warm-Up Temperament Child.

Children Who are slow to warm-up need time to adapt to change. You can give your slow to warm-up child time in a few different ways:Extend the length of potty preparation time. Slow to warm-up child wants to practice his potty skills a little at time and over long period of time. He prefers mastery in small manageable pieces rather than big bites. Stretch his competence slowly by adding new skills and new challenges...Continue >>

How To Adapt The weekend Training Camp for Difficult Temperament Child.

Like the slow to warm-up child the difficult child does not welcome change. But unlike the slow to warm-up child the difficult child is not a receptive partner. He wants it his way and he wants it now.Follow your child's lead through the potty preparation process. Give him control over his body and his actions. Creatively add new skills with an invisible hand. Act as if potty weekend naked noons or potty play days are his idea...Continue >>

Potty Games For NightTime.

Beds are very comfortable places when you're sleepy. Your child may wake up with the sensation of needing to potty but might still take enormous effort to actually get out of the bed, especially when he's small and it's dark. If your child is having difficulty getting to the bathroom, practice some of these bathroom games during the day to build his nighttime confidence...Continue >>

Understanding Night Time Potty Training.

Many children are potty trained during the day long before being potty trained at night. Readiness for daytime potty training is not a sign that your child is ready for nighttime potty training. The sign to start nighttime potty training is seeing your child wake up with dry diapers on a regular basis.Your child need two physiological abilities to master nighttime pottying...Continue >>


The Enuresis Alarm Treatment Plan.

Most children who have irregular defecation are able to progress toward regularity by trying to move their bowels at the same time every mourning, preferably after breakfast. The child should sit on the toilet and attempt to defecate for no more than five minutes, if a movement is coming, it shouldn't take longer than five minutes. Sitting for longer periods of time just frustrates everybody...Continue >>

Tracking Problem Foods.

As we just saw, food can affect a child's wetting by impairing regular bowel function. Likewise, for years mothers have suspected that certain foods seem to bother their children's bladder and bring out wetting tendencies. Just as some people get hives after eating chocolate, get sleepy after sipping a glass of wine, or can't sleep after drinking coffee, some children seem to wet more often after they taken in certain foods of beverages...Continue >>

What To Do When Your Child Has A Potty Accident.

What do you want people to say when you make a mistake? "Why did you do that you know better" "That's it lady, no birthday party for you!." "I told you that would happen!". Blame and humiliations are counterproductive in potty training. Negative emotions discourage future success and prevent your child from finding a better alternative. Your child needs you as a supportive parent who is keeping her focused on her goal. You want your child to be a potty pro...Continue >>

Should I Ask My Child To Help Clean Up After An Accident.

Children love to help, and they rarely see their efforts as causing more work for adults. Taking responsibility for the potty chair is a continuation of your child's taking responsibility for his body. Follow your child's interest here. If he wants to do more, he will be learning valuable self sufficiency skills that will make your life easier next year when he's more capable at the details. Try not to worry about perfection, accept small approximation at careful assistance....Continue >>

My Child Is Using The Potty At Home But Not At School

Your potty team includes your child's teacher and caregivers. While there many differences between pottying at home and pottying at school, communication is the key to managing those differences. You want to know as much as possible about the potty routines at school.Any differences from home can create resistance to pottying at school. Stay positive about the school and about the teachers as you help your child....Continue >>

My Child Is Hesitant About Asking Other Adults For Potty Help.

Your child's world is growing larger and larger all the time. It may include visits with family, playdates, or days at school. Your child may need your help learning to speak up for what he needs in a timely way. Even kindergartners can struggle with this one.Encourage your child to speak up at home. Resist the urge to read his mind just to save time. Verbalizing potty needs is an essential skill......Continue >>

Monday, December 21, 2009

Step Six Teach Your Child To Wipe, Flush, Dress, And Wash Hands

As a final class, teach your child how to wipe, flush, dress, and wash hands. Teach little girls to wipe from front to back ( keeping germs that may cause a urinary infection away from the urethra) Don't be quick to expect your child to wipe, and some children may not be ready for this until the age of four or five. This extra pressure after finally being potty trained may cause the reluctant toddler to regress. Wait until potty training is consistently under way before teaching your child how to wipe. Moistened flushable wipes are more comfortable on the bottom than toilet paper. Flushing is a matter of preference for your child. Some child fear the loud swoosh of the flush as they productions disappear into a swirling hole. Other consider the flushing, part of the whole package and insist on doing the honors.

Praise Success, Overlook "Failure", Relax

There is no place for punishment in potty training, just as you wouldn't scold the beginning walker for tripping. Your goal is for your child to emerge from potty training with a healthy self image. Then he or she can tackle the next phase of development , sexual identity, feeling good about him or herself. Try to relax, what's one more year in diapers?

Your Pushing Too Hard

Class may have begun too early, during a negative stage, or teacher and pupil may be clashing. Consider backing off a while and take inventory of the following emotional slumps that may slow potty training. Ask your self what can be happening or not happening in your baby's life that's making him reluctant.

  • Is your baby going through a negative phase in which he is not receptive to anything new?

  • Is there a disturbing situation in the family, a new baby, a mayor family move, family stress, long working hours, a return to work, or an illness?

  • Is your child angry? anger shuts down proper functioning of all physiologic systems, specially toileting

Take inventory of your parent child attachment. Normally, children want to please, progress, and learn control of their bodies. Im suspicious of the " well its just a normal stubborn face" defense. The problem may be deeper than the diaper. This may be your child's way of maintaining control over one are of he's or her life you can't control. If you hold the reins tightly in other areas ( choose of clothing, tidiness, choice of pass time and so on) don't be surprise if he becomes a holdout when potty training. It may also be the only way he know how to stay little for longer. This maybe time to close the lid of potty training for a few weeks or months, tune into your child, have some fun, build his self steam and strengthen you child and parent bond. Be careful not to give the message that your child's value depends upon performance. This is number one non is parenting strikeouts, whether in toilet training of in little league.

Your Child Refuses To Be Potty Trained

There babies who refuse to announce their productions, hold on to what they have, and resist any attempt to be potty trained. Late potty training like late walking, may be your child's normal developmental pattern. The nerves and muscle involved in potty training may yet be mature. Suspect this cause if your child has been on the late end of normal in the other developmental milestones. Most children are well in their way to daytime bowel and bladder training by three years. If by that time your child has not made any progress consult your baby's doctor.

IntoStep One Make Sure Your Baby Is Ready To Be Potty Trained Step Two Make Sure Your Ready To Potty Train Your Child
Step Three Teach Your Baby Where To Go And What To Call ItStep Four Teach Your Baby The Connection Between Feeling And GoingStep Five Graduate Baby From Diapers To Training Pants

Step Five Graduate Baby From Diapers To Training Pants

After your baby has been daytime dry for a few week he or she is ready to graduate from diaper to pull ups. Pull up are there to catch accidents not to be use as diapers, as long as your baby is gong frequently in diaper use diapers. Progress to pull up once the accidents are fewer. and them graduate to training pants when accidents are seldom occur.

Training pants look like supper-absorbent underwear and are used in the transition from diapers to pants. Be enthusiastic about this step up, but be careful what you call them. "BIG BOY" or "BIG GIRL" is a loaded term, especially if your toddler is not sure he or she wants to be big. This dilemma occurs when hurrying your child into pants. When your child see all the attention a diaper baby gets he or she may not want to be a big boy or girl. A great term to call them can be special pants it draws your child away from making any conclusion .

When Accidents Happen

Expect soiled and wet pants when your baby get his signals crossed. This is normal when learning a new skill. Prepare for accidents during intense play when your child is so preoccupied the miss their potty time signals. Baby's become so focus on what's going on outside they forget about their inside. Trainees in these big league pants may need bare bottom reminder to keep their mind on their body.

  • Stay calm. Kids don't have accidents to irritate their parents. Don't add to the embarrassment by scolding or disciplining your child. You may say, "You forgot this time. Next time you'll get to the bathroom sooner."

  • Slow down. Remind your child to relax and take it slow. Completely emptying the bladder can help prevent accidents.

  • Offer reminders. Accidents often happen when kids are absorbed in activities that — for the moment — are more interesting than using the toilet. To fight this phenomenon, suggest regular bathroom trips, such as first thing in the morning, after each meal and snack, and before getting in the car or going to bed. Point out telltale signs of holding it, such as fidgeting or holding the genital area.

  • Be prepared. If your child has frequent accidents, absorbent underwear may be best. Keep a change of underwear and clothing handy, especially at school or in child care.

IntoStep One Make Sure Your Baby Is Ready To Be Potty Trained Step Two Make Sure Your Ready To Potty Train Your Child
Step Three Teach Your Baby Where To Go And What To Call ItStep Four Teach Your Baby The Connection Between Feeling And GoingStep Six Teach Your Child To Wipe, Flush, Dress, And Wash Hands

Step Four Teach Your Baby The Connection Between Feeling And Going

The next step is to help your baby make the connection between what he feels and what he has to do. Potty training is teaching your baby to make a series of connection between the urge to go and going to the potty. The first training goal is to help your baby make a connection between what he feels and what he needs to do. When your baby shows about to go signs ( example, squatting, quietly retreating) Interjecting the reminder the reminder "GO POTTY" as you walk your baby to the potty. Once you plant the connection when he or she feel the pressure, "GO POTTY" is in your baby's mind and in time he will go with out you triggering his memory. Many toddler achieve night time dryness between the second year of their life. Mourning is a good time to suggest using the potty. At mourning the bladder is full and your baby will learn what full bladder feels like and associate a full bladder with using the potty. This easy mourning routine will make the rest of the day potty training easer.

Quick Dressing Tips

Dressing your baby for quick change, making easier for your baby, if he has to struggle to remove complicated clothing in route from the urge to go potty he or she is more likely to let go before getting unhooked, unbuckled , unbutton which leads to a double mess, now you have a soiled baby and clothes. Elastic waistbands and quick release velcro fastener are a must.

Feeling And Telling

Tell your baby what to tell you as soon as you notice about to go signs, query, GO POO POO? TELL MOMMY ( OR "TELL DADDY"!) you are planting another mental connection, when he feels the urge he said the words. Once your baby masters these to two connections, the urge to go and running to the potty or the urge to go and asking for help by saying "GO POTTY" your baby is ready to advance. Notice the proper role playing you set the game plan but is up to your baby is he chooses to play or not.

Potty Times

The next connection to teach your baby is that when you sit him on the potty he goes. This is called a conditional reflex and it wont work unless your baby is nearly ready to go. The key here is to catch him at the time or times when he or she is about to go, and shit him or her on the potty before your baby makes a deposit on he's or her diapers. He will then begin to associate sitting on the potty with bowel movement and eventually with urinating.

Catching your baby potty needs can be a bit tricky at first but there many way's to work around it so you don't have to follow your baby around all day. Here how to get some potty time clues. Using a potty chart for a week or two record the time or times of the day that your baby has the urge to go potty or has gone potty. If you detect a pattern, say after breakfast, put him or her each day at that time. Provide your baby with an attention holding so that you can extend his squatters rights to sit until he or she goes. If you do not detect a pattern put your baby on the potty every two hours or so as often and as long as your time and patience permits.

A physiologic aid for potty training, called the gastrocolic reflex, may help you predict when you baby has the urge to go to potty. A full stomach simulates the colon to empty twenty to thirty minutes after a meal. Try potty sitting after every meal until your baby's patience runs out. Your best odds of predicting potty urges are after breakfast. Another value of this daily routine is that its teaching your baby to listen to his bodily urges. Its a physiologic fact that bowel signal not promptly attended can lead to constipation.

Understand that a child like an adult, does not push bowel movement unless the colon is contracting. The colon has a natural rhythm that causes it to contract for several minutes a few time a day. Its this contracting that causes the urge to go to the bathroom. Therefore it will not work to sit your child on the potty and tell him or her to push until he or she goes unless the colon id naturally contracting at the time.

Even when you and your baby misconnect, and your baby goes in his diapers take him into potty chair room and empty the content. At least it will teach him where his productions go. Typically your catching your baby in the act in order to potty him to eventually catch himself in the act

Bare Bottom Drills

Covering up the evidence delay toilet training. Diaper keep baby's from making the connection between the urge to release and what he or she need to do about it.

Outdoor training

For warm weather potty training, if you have a private yard, bare bottom makes potty training easier. Remove your baby's diaper and let him run around bare bottom, cover mostly by a long t shirt if you wish ( t shirt from a older child make for good cover ups) when the urge to go hit your child he may stop, squats, because he suddenly realizes what's going on. Amazed by his revelation, your baby may talk about what he is doing , "GO PEE PEE" or "GO POO POO" or look toward you asking him self what do i do now coach? Now is your move. Watch how your baby handles this uncover elimination. He may look proud, confuse or even upset, especially if he soiled his legs. Praise his production and clean up matter of factly. Have the potty chair available so you can show your child were it goes. And next time you see him squatting show him how to sit on the potty chair instead . Don't resign toileting coach if your baby play with what he produces. Avoid showing disgust, as this only plants counterproductive connections that some thing is wrong with what comes out of him or her, so he'd better not let go any more.

IntoStep One Make Sure Your Baby Is Ready To Be Potty Trained Step Two Make Sure Your Ready To Potty Train Your Child
Step Three Teach Your Baby Where To Go And What To Call ItStep Five Graduate Baby From Diapers To Training Pants Step Six Teach Your Child To Wipe, Flush, Dress, And Wash Hands

Step Two Make Sure Your Ready To Potty Train Your Child

Are You Ready ? Choose The Right Time To Start Potty Training.

When your not preoccupied with other commitments When your free from a older child's high need period When your not stress from work A week before child birth ( a new baby in the house tends to cause regression) and so on

Tools That You Will Need To Include

  • Sense of humor
  • Endless patience
  • Creative market
  • Potty chair
  • Training pants

Always remember you have the Knowledge you need to help your toddler potty train, you just may need to be pointed in the right direction. But you know your child best, you know he's likes and dislikes , what motivates him most, and the signs he's reach his breaking point for example:

  • You know if you get him up and out the door before 10 a.m he'll be in a great mood all mourning, but if you dally and miss the window of opportunity he"ll become cranky an hour before nap time.

  • You know it takes her or him a good 15 minutes to warm up to anyone but you and your spouse.

  • You Know how to say "no" in man different ways.

  • You know he or she will be climbing your friends coffee table before you visit over.

  • You already know this and much more about your child. You're the expert, and these are the keys to unlocking that potty training door.

Some Times attention to the readiness factor opens the door to a new stage. When you wonder about your child's crawling, you started putting toys just a little farther from his reach. This encourage your child to try new movements. Your attention encourage your child to do some thing new and exciting. At the same time, you were careful not to frustrate your baby. Anything you do to support your child's development is about making discoveries with your child. This is not an urgent intervention, your not doing something to your child. Instead use a gentle curiosity to explore what your child knows and what he wants. Before embarking on a potty agenda, you should consider the type of preliminary information your giving your child. Have you talked about potty behavior in general.? Do you make bathroom routines as interesting as story times? After all, learning about bodies and bathroom is certainly appealing to children.

IntoStep One Make Sure Your Baby Is Ready To Be Potty Trained Step Three Teach Your Baby Where To Go And What To Call It
Step Four Teach Your Baby The Connection Between Feeling And GoingStep Five Graduate Baby From Diapers To Training Pants Step Six Teach Your Child To Wipe, Flush, Dress, And Wash Hands

Step Three Teach Your Baby Where To Go And What To Call It

The teachers next decision is whether to get your baby his own potty chair or seat, your child decision is to pick which one. Most babies prefer their own potty chair. How comfortable and willing would you be to preform on a spa sized toilet? child sized furniture make the development of any skill easier. Potty chairs securely contain babies, and with a potty chair your baby can plant his or her feet squarely on the floor, instead of dangling on the air on a adult toilet.

Preparing Your Child For Potty Training

At this point you have seen and examining your child's readiness signs and now your ready to start preparing for potty training. He or she is initiating potty behaviors: he wants to sit on his potty, doesn't like wearing diaper all the time, like the idea of doing thing the way Mommy and daddy does them. Follow your child's lead add a few potty routines to her daily schedule. Make simple connections between your child and the potty like, sit him on the potty chair after a nap if he has a dry diaper and after undressing for bath time. Do not assume at this point that he is ready to run the potty marathon, as he has no idea what pottying is. Do not expect anything from your child. Your building the stage and adding some of the scenery. You haven't written your script and are probably months away from rehearsal.

  • Establish a positive potty training attitude
  • Choose your potty words
  • Include your child in bathroom routines
  • Make friends with a potty chair or seat
  • Talk about your child's diaper and potty routines
  • Add a few potty books to your child's home library

Use this time to think about your child's temperament style. Watch your child's reaction to new stimulus your presenting. This is a stage for your child's future success make it appealing for him.

Building your personal potty plan

Show and tell - Capitalize on a prime developmental interest at this stage, the desire to imitate. Let your baby watch you go to the potty, explain what your doing. Girls naturally do better in the bathroom classroom with mommies, boys with daddies, but same sex potty training is not crucial.

Potty training dolls - Using a doll that wets can be a great tool to explain the process of potty training. Your child sees where the urine come from, removes the dolls diaper, places the doll on the potty chair, change the diaper and empties the potty chair bowl into the toilet and flushes the toilet. The combination of live model and dolls makes potty training easier.

Book learning - Besides live models and dolls models they are clever books that show picture and show a child in training. By the time your child has been exposed to all these models of potty trained character he should get the message "if they can do it, so can i".

The Weekend Training Camp - Most Parents prefer gradually training their child to potty over several weeks or months and progress at their baby's own rate. But some will rather plunge right into extensive training course in potty training during the weekend or during vacation time. A crash course does work for certain parent child pairs, but we don't advise this method for all babies. Some babies resist being puss out of diapers too quickly, but other welcome help to master their bodies. The step are the same as gradual method , just more concentrated.


Select The Right Candidate - Only babies who are verbal, in a positive and receptive stage, are have a want to please attitude towards their trainer are suitable for this fast track potty training.

Concentrate On The Game - Approach this weekend of intensity relating with your child, not as a contest, but as a game. You will be with your baby constantly during the waking hours, watching every clue of body language that hits of bowel or bladder signals. This is a special training session not open to public.

Select The Right Season - Just as you don't schedule baseball game in mid winter, Don't set potty training day when your child is in a negative stage. Choose good mood weather and you can always call the game if bad mood prevails.

Schedule The Game Ahead Of Time - The day before, announce to your baby that tomorrow is a special day. "We are going to play a special game" over and over during that day.

Hold A Pregame Warm Up - Continue to emphasize that this is a special day and that you are going to do something special today. "We are going to play the game of no more diapers and use the potty like mommy and daddy do" Throw in like brother jim as an added incentive. Let your child catch your excitement.

Select The Right Uniform - Take off the diaper so your child can feel his body working, dress him in easy off clothing or no clothes at all. Show your baby the training pants, his or her special pants. Show him how to put on the special pants, How to push them down and pull them up. Publicize this event. Take picture and show them to your baby. Demonstrate the push down and pull up in front of a mirror. All the while keep a game like atmosphere. And if your baby periodically loses interest or protest, take time out for a snack break.

Hand Out The Equipment - Bring out special prizes. Like handing out party prizes, one by one unveil the tools of the trade: potty chair that you both pick out together and kept in a box until potty training day, dolls that wets and other props, and rewards stickers or other prizes.

Practice Drills

The Sitting Drill - Practice sitting on the potty chair " just like mommy and Daddy". Put the potty chair next to yours, sit together and chat for a while.

Instruction Manuals - As your child is sitting on his potty chair, read a picture book about potty training.

Get Your Signal Strait - Give your baby phrases such as "GO POTTY", "GO PEE PEE", "GO POO POO".

Getting On The Potty Chair And What To Do Drill - Let him watch you, ( for real or pretend ) an enthusiastic grunting sound can give him the idea.

A Practice Dummy - Go through a drill with dolls that wets explaining each step of having the doll wet , removing pants, changing the doll, and emptying the potty chair bowl into the toilet.

Teach Potty Hygiene - Bathroom are very fun places without obvious boundaries. Start with clear messages about how to use toilet paper, how many times to flush the toilet, and a fun hand washing habit. Sing a happy potty song to teach your child how long hand washing takes.

Practice Makes Perfect - Athletes and musicians know that repetition is essential to mastery. The beauty of concentrated "Potty Weekend" is that your creating the opportunity for repeated success. You are the time management expert for the weekend. Its up to you to take your child for potty breaks every two hours. Focus on the adventure of discovery and the satisfaction of success, " LOOK, YOU PEE ON THE POTTY!".

Play Begin

Meanwhile you have already scouted your start player and you know his moves, squatting tells you its BM time, clutching the front of the diaper or looking down there is about about to wet signal. watch for your child signals that he is ready to go to the potty. At first squat interject a "GO POTTY" as you direct him toward the potty chair, which is ether in the kitchen floor or in the bathroom next to your toilet. Shadow your baby all day issuing the reminder of "GO POTTY" each about to go signal. Keep his potty chair in a central location. By repetition of the association between baby's about to go signs and your "GO POTTY" cues, your baby makes the connection, " WHEN I GET THE URGE, I GOT TO POTTY".

Happy Ending

No matter what happens on this weekend, you hopefully had very personal, fun-filled time with your child. Tell your child how much you enjoyed been with him, If your child is ready gift warp his favorite underpants. If your child is still learning focus on the successes rather than failures.

IntoStep One Make Sure Your Baby Is Ready To Be Potty Trained Step Two Make Sure Your Ready To Potty Train Your Child
Step Four Teach Your Baby The Connection Between Feeling And GoingStep Five Graduate Baby From Diapers To Training Pants Step Six Teach Your Child To Wipe, Flush, Dress, And Wash Hands

Step One Make Sure Your Baby Is Ready To Be Potty Trained

In potty training, as with all developmental landmarks, there comes a time when you start to wonder, "IS IT NOW TIME"? Is now time to start potty training? Will your baby be crawling soon? When will he begin to speak? Just because your asking doesn't mean the answer is "YES, Now". However when you begin asking the readiness question, it is a good time to start observing your child. As when determining readiness for solid food, watch your baby not the calendar. Starting potty training before your toddler is ready will only make it more difficult and prolong the process. Keep an eye out for physical, cognitive and behavioral signs that your toddler is set to give it a try:

  • Understands simple request, such as get mommy or daddy the toy
  • Begins to push diapers off when he or she is wet or soiled or come to tell you about been dirty
  • Climbs on top of potty chair or toilet
  • Stay dry longer at least three hours
  • Investigates his or hers body equipment
  • Urinates a fair amount at one time
  • Can pull his pants up and down
  • Dislikes the feeling of wearing a wet or dirty diaper

Potty training requires your child to understand the inner and outer workings of his body. He begins to understand how he's body feels before pottying and makes a connection between does feelings and certain actions. He learns that a full bladder makes him pee and pressure on his bottom makes him poop

Observe External Signs That He Or She Feels The Pressure Inside:

  • Squatting
  • Grabbing diapers
  • crossing legs
  • grunting and grimacing

All learning for young children involves an emotional component. Your child makes a personal connection to every new skill: "THIS IS FUN".... "THIS MAKES ME HAPPY". This component is especially important because potty training involves some risks, age appropriate risks, but risk just the same. During potty training your child may face disappointment, confusion, mistakes, and fears. Temperament, timing, environment, and routines are all precedents for how your child learns to handle age appropriate dilemmas. If your child is intrigued by the process, the thrill of mastery will overshadow the obstacles along the way.

Emotional Signs To Look Out For:

  • Demonstrates a desire for independence
  • Takes pride in his accomplishments
  • Isn't resistant to learning to use the toilet
  • Is in a generally cooperative stage, not a negative or contrary one
  • Your child is able to sit and engage in an activity for several minutes without becoming distracted or irritable
  • Asking to wear "big-kid" underwear
  • Asking questions about pottying
  • Imitates your toileting
  • Wants to follow other into the bathroom
  • Your child cares about the outcome of her actions, she expresses likes or dislikes after he does something and if reminded will remember does preferences

Language Behaviors That Signal Potty Training Readiness

  • Your child know his body parts
  • Your child can tell you, first when he's pottied in he's diaper, and then before he's pottied in his diaper
  • Verbally communicates other sensations such as hunger
  • Your child says he wants to " DO IT MY SELF"

Language leads to more elaborate thinking. your child makes plans. He coordinates actions and people to accomplish his goals.

Cognitive Behaviors That Also Signal Potty Training Readiness

  • Your child is curious about how his or her body parts works
  • Your child see the connection between her body part and the potty
  • Your child lines up her toys, understand order things in right places
  • Your child can think ahead she can stop doing something when she feel the urge to potty
  • Your child comprehends that potty books and videos are relevant to her actions

Between 18 and 24 months, most toddlers have the necessary physical and mental skills to understand and communicate his or her desire. There really no age limit for when to start potty training your child that's why i always say watch your baby not the calendar. There no guide, book or calendar in world who can tell you when to potty train your child other than him self. Stay alert for any of the ready to go signs and when he or she is ready, start introducing this new concept.

IntoStep Two Make Sure Your Ready To Potty Train Your ChildStep Three Teach Your Baby Where To Go And What To Call It
Step Four Teach Your Baby The Connection Between Feeling And GoingStep Five Graduate Baby From Diapers To Training Pants Step Six Teach Your Child To Wipe, Flush, Dress, And Wash Hands